Daily Archives: May 11th, 2013

Angel Cordero Saved Amanda Berry — NOT Charles Ramsey

Angel Cordero claims he was the one who kicked in the door that freed kidnap victim Amanda Berry from the rape house in Cleveland — not neighbor Charles Ramsey, who apparently arrived on the scene AFTER the door was kicked in and Berry was outside free. More on New York Daily News.

Surveillance Video Shows Ghostly Activity at Burger Joint

Unexplained events are caught on surveillance cameras at B&D burgers. First seen is a mysterious orbiting light in the upper corner of the bar scene, followed by a high stack of pallets containing cups mysteriously fall over by themselves. Fast-forward the stupid chit-chat by news media to pos. 2:37 for the burger joint’s surveillance video. [...]

MOTHER’S DAY: Rare Barbara Walters Interview with Lucille Ball in 1977

You’ll learn all sorts of unknown facts about Lucy’s life, her pregnancy at age 39, she said she was on TV too long and she felt her show was old-fashioned in the 1970s and about her life and divorce.  Good show for Lucy fans.

BREAKTHROUGH: Antibiotics Cure 40% of Chronic Back Pain Patients

BACK PAIN CAUSED BY BACTERIAL INFECTION IN BACK’S DISCS! Hailed as a medical breakthrough, scientists in Denmark found that 20% to 40% of chronic lower back pain was caused by bacterial infections.  Bacterial infections inside slipped discs can cause painful inflammation and tiny fractures in the surrounding vertebrae.  But the same scientists say taking antibiotics [...]

PHOTOS: Saudi Arabian Man Deported from His Country for Being Too Handsome (UPDATE)

Omar Borkan Al Gala, a fashion photographer, actor and poet from Dubai, was deported from his country for being too handsome (read interview here). See his photos and you’ll understand why he intimidated officials of his country. Gala could very well be the most handsome man on Earth. Extremely HOT Piece of Ass, Ladies & [...]

MOTHER’S DAY SPECIAL: Mother of the Year Says She Hates Her Kids and Regrets Having Them!

Isabella Dutton regrets her children were ever born and says: “I resented the time my children consumed. Like parasites, they took from me and didn’t give back.” She goes on to say: “I know there are millions who will consider me heinously cold-blooded and unnatural, but I believe there will also be those who secretly [...]

MUST-SEE PHOTOS! Crazy Son-of-a-Bitch Bulldozes His Neighbor’s Homes!

When a Psychopath Strikes… SEATTLE (AP) – Barry Alan Swegle, a man angry at his neighbors, went on a rampage in a bulldozer Friday on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, damaging four homes, knocking one off its foundation and cutting power to thousands of people, authorities said.  Swegle was “highly agitated” and that “apparently there appears to [...]

Judy Garland Remembered

Are you nervous or stressed out, anxious? Play the song below and sit back with your eyes closed and listen to the perfect range of this voice. There is no voice like it and never will be. Believe me, it really works to calm your mind some. The one and only Judy Garland became an [...]