Daily Archives: May 24th, 2013

Maynard the Ghost Cat

Mrs. Rainbolt had been taking care of a sickly orphan cat named Maynard, when his health problems worsened and he was put down. Shortly afterward, an invisible force that felt like a cat jumped on the bed and laid on top of her feet, she said. Mrs. Rainbolt believes this was the spirit of Maynard [...]

The Perfect Roommate

Preparing for Tonight’s ‘Super Moon’

Tonight we have a full “super moon” in the sky sometime after 9 p.m.  This moon is called the “flower moon.”   Moons have magic.  It is wise that you know about the phases of the moon and related spells.  This is the perfect time to Cast a Full Moon Wish Spell or a money spell. [...]

Crazy Cunt Throws Knife in Boyfriend’s Back (VIDEO)

What Happens When You Stick It In Crazy Some bitch gets revenge on her boyfriend for his cheating on her by stabbing his back in front of everyone as he played basketball.  Watch him walk around with the knife in his back.