Daily Archives: May 2nd, 2013

Russian Scientist Warns Earth is Heading for Another Little Ice Age

The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) writes: “Russian scientist Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov, of the St Petersburg Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, painted the Doomsday scenario saying the recent inclement weather simply proved we were heading towards a frozen planet.  Dr. Abdussamatov believes Earth was on an “unavoidable advance towards a deep temperature drop”. The last big freeze, [...]

Man Picks Perfect Day to Wear “Jail Sucks” T-Shirt

Noob arrested for welfare fraud — he sold EBT cards to undercover cops. Yeah, It’s Florida

Seattle Psycho Screams Obscenities at Cop from Behind

During a press conference yesterday in Seattle, a foul-mouthed female protester stood behind a Seattle cop screaming the filthiest things ever spoken in his ear — but he ignores her the whole time, along with everyone else.  The chanting filth begins three (3) minutes into the video (we jump-started it for you). Somebody Gag This [...]

Annoying Roommate

Roommate constantly annoys roommate as he tries to study during finals week.

WEATHER WEIRDNESS — May Snow in the Heartland

See historic midwest snowstorm photo gallery.