Daily Archives: May 18th, 2013

Lidia’s Classic Italian Meatloaf

Great PBS TV Italian cook Lidia Bastianich shows how to make her classic Italian meatloaf on CBS, which is full of delicious cheeses. The recipe is on her website and here’s a link to her American Italian meatloaf recipe (in case all that cheese is too fattening for you).

GREAT NEWS: PolyPants Completely Hide Unsightly Butt Cracks! Hooray!

PolyCell company has designed a revolutionary new pant that hides ugly butt cracks from showing, causing a shopping fever for them all over the world by people who are offended by the sight of “unsightly” butt cracks. Thank God for Companies Like PolyCell Who Care About Our Feelings  

Study: Men’s Penises DO SHRINK in Size as They Grow Older

Due to plaque build-up in the arteries of the penis as men age, the penis shrinks in size.  Sorry, but that’s how it goes.  Time is a cruel thing! “If a man’s erect penis is 6 inches long when he is in his 30s, it might be 5 or 5-and-a-half inches when he reaches his [...]

The Weirdos of San Francisco

A “naked, spitting, pissing dude” shuts down SF’s rapid transit train with his bizarre antics. Coppers are called to the scene of some nut naked in Dolores Park park doing yoga. In another shocking scene, a man with his guts hanging out FROM BEING STABBED runs around naked, inciting histrionics of bystanders.

ARTICLE: Do Animals Have Souls?

Do deceased pets join humans in the afterlife?  Some believe there is evidence this is so. “In near-death experiences people who entered the “tunnel of light” recount how they met their dead relatives and cherished friends at the other side.  There are also stories of being greeted by their dead pets as well.  A beloved [...]

Hobbits Need Love, Too

YESTERDAY: Mitt Romney and Jay Leno Go for Ride Together

Photo of Leno sporting Mitt Romney around in one of his classic cars before Romney appeared on Leno’s show last night (clips in link).

Woman Mall Security Gets Into Fight with Fat Bitch

Gawkers of an Ohio semi-truck accident were told to get off Mall property by crazy female security guard who told them not to take pictures of the accident.  Watch her get into a physical fight with some fat bitch on the scene.

Brooklyn Bar Holding Smallest Penis Contest

REGISTER NOW!  Gothamist reports that Kings County Bar wants you to sign up for their first annual Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant!  It’s the ultimate contest for infinitesimal penises. “The Contest” will be held on Saturday, July 20th starting at 5 p.m. All over the country mobs of small-penised men are booking  up airline tickets now [...]

McDonalds Black and White Burgers

McDonalds China introduces Black & White burgers.  Blogger says they taste yuck and rants. Would YOU Eat This?