Daily Archives: May 12th, 2013

Let Our Children Embrace Low-Class Ignorance & Promote It

“Fuck bitches, get money” (translation: don’t work, use others, be a male whore, lack ambition, don’t pay your own way, and it’s OK to be a burden on others). The emasculation of American males in the “Me Me Me” generation.

The $545 T-Shirt

Who in their right mind would pay $545 for a t-shirt?  The filthy rich with money to burn, that’s who!  Shallow fools who’ll pay $540 for the LABEL and $5 for the actual t-shirt.  With all the charities needing help these days, to throw away money like this is despicable.  No wonder most people despise [...]

WTF? Freak Sexually Abuses Peacock!

A peacock died after a weirdo stuck his cock in it.  (Try to imagine the scene of someone trying to do this.)

BESTSELLER: “Lost in Space Design: ‘No Place to Hide’”

Production designer Robert Rowe scrounged the archives of 20th Century Fox and found production documents and interviewed the craftsmen responsible for creating the most expensive pilot in TV — the first “Lost in Space” episode in 1965. For example, the set of the Jupiter Two space ship cost $350,000 to build — a fortune at [...]

GROSS! World’s Ex-Fattest Man Poses in Nude in Bid to Get Freebie Money for More Surgery

Paul Mason had a gastric bypass operation which reduced his stomach to the size of an egg. And now he wants someone to pay for surgery to remove all the skin hang.

My Knitted Boyfriend

Lonely, dull woman knits two boyfriends to keep her company.  Watch the movie here.  CREEPY.

Psycho Bitches Horny for Boston Bomber’s Cock Tweet #FreeJahar on Twitter, Make Tumblr Love Blogs

STUPID WHORE: “He’s too handsome to be a terrorist!” Sick fat and ugly anti-social whores with screwy conspiracy ideas and no lives believe Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, (whom they refer to by his nickname, “Jahar”) was NOT responsible for the bomb blasts that maimed and wounded hundreds are on Twitter asking for support [...]

Angry Sylvia Browne Fans Demand She Be Sued for Saying Amanda Berry Was Dead on TV

(Above) An angry Facebook fan wants psychic Sylvia Browne SUED, in a post on Browne’s Facebook. Browne has since taken down her Facebook and Twitter accounts due to the angry backlash all over the world.  Despite Browne’s folly, there are still fans who side with her. “I remember you on Montel Williams telling the family [...]