Panic streaks down the back of someone who doesn’t have HIV/AIDS who let a person with the disease give him oral sex. See the comment responses.
Smooth young Latin cocks with condoms in their mouths prepare for diseased American cocks and vaginas.
News image of the Demonic Fairy shown on December 14.
An “unknown entity” has been found in Mexico, that Mexicans are calling a “demonic fairy.” The creature was exhibited on Friday, December 14, 2012, in Mexico City. Biologists have been brought in and say the creature has a human body with four wings. See photos of the creature’s HORRIBLE FACE.
Mexican news report on the discovery of the demonic fairy (we jumped past the talking to pos. 02:10 where the actual video of the creature is shown being examined).
An extremely annoying woman keeps harassing armed NY cops after they stopped her from filming them in the subway (which is their right). “Five armed men in MY subway,” she shouts as she continues to demand why the cops are on the subway armed. [What's wrong with armed cops on the subway? NYC's subways are a melting pot of perverts and criminals! It's a blessing to have armed cops on them!].
At pos. 5:50 she tracks down the cops and starts demanding their badge numbers. When the cops ignore her as some sort of crackpot, she goes nuts looking for ways to accuse them of assaulting her. Listen to her rant and rave on and on at the officers as she tries to incite them into handling her for the camera.
The gruesome 5-minute finale of “Beware! Children at Play” (1989) where the townspeople brutally murder children of a cannibalistic cult camp in the woods — using firearms, pitchforks, and other assorted weapons.
An extremely vile and crude woman incorporates the use of several douche bags filled with paint of various colors. She inserts the paint into her bung hole and then squirts it out onto a wall canvas to create “modern art” masterpieces.
Florida Deputy Lou Caputo dresses up like The Grinch and hands out onions instead of speeding tickets to motorists.