Would You Pay $40 for a “Cronut”?

There is a blackmarket craze going on in New York for a doughnut called a “cronut,” which is a croissant that is fried. They normally sell for $5, but since supplies are limited they are being sold on the “pastry black market” for as high as $40 and more. There are even “scalpers” on Craigslist selling the for EIGHT TIMES their price.

It’s Nothing More Than a Fried Croissant


Third-Grade Boy Forced to Suck the Cocks of Three Male Classmates at School; Mother is Asking for $6 Million

Our Sick WorldLAWSUIT: The 8-year-old boy was pushed into a bathroom stall, forced onto his knees with his hands behind his back and ordered to suck THREE FILTHY COCKS. For this, the boy’s mother is asking for a $6 million settlement from the school.

Catholic Church’s Top Exorcist Claims He Rid World of 160,000 Demons!



Example of demonic possession on the Internet (click to enlarge).
Example of demonic possession on the Internet (click to enlarge).

Father Gabriele Amorth, 88, the Catholic Church’s top exorcist, claims to have sent 160,000 demons back to hell.

“There was now, more than ever, a need for exorcists to combat people possessed by ‘sorcerers’ and ‘Satanists,'” said Father Amorth.

See satanic altar pictures on Tumblr.

She Wants the D

ApeshitGuy being interviewed (pictured, center) about the Moore, Oklahoma tornado wears nasty sex t-shirt that has all the moral police running around in circles squawking wringing their genitalia trying to get CNN in trouble.  Get a life!

She Wants the D

Guy Installs Shower to Stop Alley Pissers

Sick and tired of the stench of human urine in HIS alley, guy installs a shower that soaks the offenders as they piss and films it. Watch more of his piss-catch videos here.