Yes, this monstrosity is an actual male model on the runway showing off a European designer’s idea of fashion for men for this summer. Note the pink purse in his hand. It would seem that pot-smoking is a prerequisite for the job description of a men’s fashion designer in Britain, wouldn’t you say? More evidence here, here and here!
Beyonce Has BETRAYED the American People!

”Unbeknownst to millions of viewers, however, The Times has learned that the perfect note had been struck in advance: in a recording studio on the eve of Inauguration Day.”
“We did pre-record it,” a spokeswoman for the band admitted to The Times last night. “It was Beyoncé’s decision at the last minute to go with the pre-recorded version.” Keep Reading...
Ingrid Van Vizzle wrote on Twitter: “Beyoncé lip-synced the American anthem. My life is over.”
Whites Only Laundry
A New York sketch comedy group came up with this.
Dressed Roadkill Causing Stir
MORE Creepy Men’s 2013 Fashions from Twisted European Designers Who Have No Clue
Here’s a collective of creepy men’s fashion designs for 2013 from the runway that you absolutely won’t believe London fashion designers think men will actually buy and wear. TIP: If you purchase the men’s design below and wear it around town, we STRONGLY suggest you CARRY A CAN OF PEPPER SPRAY for self-protection from bashers.
There! I Fixed It!

Smart Kitchen Drawer Repair
Wife Pulls Gun, Urinates and Poops on Floor After Finding Husband in Bed with Another Woman in their Home
Brenda Schumann allegedly stormed into the bedroom of her Vero Beach, Fla. home at about 2:30 a.m. on Dec. 21, carrying a rifle and threatening to kill both her 42-year-old husband and his girlfriend. After her husband managed to get the gun away from her he says she urinated on the carpet outside the bedroom before shitting on the kitchen floor.
“I found him in bed with a naked chick. What was I supposed to do?” Brenda told the county sheriff.
Indeed, my dear Brenda! That’s precisely what every wife should do to a dirty rat louse who’s cheating in the house (rhyme, rhyme). Like the smart girl that she is, Brenda allegedly found a second rifle and began to destroy items around the house, including mirrors, pictures and Christmas decorations. When satisfied she got her message across to her husband and his “chick,” Brenda then screeched off in her vehicle for dramatic effect for the nosy neighbors to chew over.
It’s a foregone conclusion her cheating husband hasn’t cleaned up her piss stain on the carpet or the SCAT she dropped on the kitchen floor during the histrionic festivities.
Maybe the home-wrecking cunt he was cheating with stepped in it? We can only hope!
OUR WISE ADVICE TO BRENDA: Get rid of the asshole, Brenda dear, and soak him for every dime. The police report serves as PROOF OF ADULTERY and mental anguish! You’re gonna cash in BIG, girl! Go for it and don’t be a chump! Remember: there’s plenty of cocks in the world for the taking!
Kid Destroys Christmas Tree in Tantrum
Stupid parents caused the poor kid’s meltdown by torturing him on Christmas by giving him a piece of coal, saying he was “naughty” while they film the kid’s reaction.
It’s a Wonder He Didn’t Pull a Gun On Them!
Top Viral Video of 2012
Stupid decides to dive into a frozen swimming pool in one of the 10 best viral videos of 2012.

Bus Driver Takes Care of Boasting Bully
A big fat loudmouth from “the West Side” beats on some guy half his size on the bus and boasts about it to other passengers, but when he gets off the bus, the bus driver wraps the shit out of him — and boasting bully runs away. Only problem was the bully’s stupid girlfriend stood in front of the bus saying the bus driver assaulted her bully boyfriend with a weapon.