For $15 Faktum Hotels offers ten different, popular “homeless rooms” where those wanting to experience being homeless choose to spend the night. There’s a park bench, a spot under a bridge, an abandoned paper mill, forests, even the seats in a soccer stadium.
Sam is a white cat with strange black fur above his eyes making eyebrows. See all his photos on his website, Also see his Twitter page. See Reddit comments.
Lush Living Tapestries

It’s time to start thinking about Spring redecorating with a LIVE tapestry.
Living moss walls by “Freund” are called “tapestries” by fru-fru designers. Yes, the greenery actually lives off air and moisture in the room, requiring no watering (imagine the mess caused by dragging in the garden hose and spraying it down, tee-hee).
Provides a Form of In-Home
Stress-Reducing Therapy
(And We All Could Use That)
Tour the Colon Hotel
Dune Driving
French Farmer Lives at Secret Alien Base for One Year
A French farmer says he was abducted by alien scientists from another galaxy and taken to their secret underground alien facility high in the Himalayas for study purposes. He provides a highly detailed account of what he saw during his one-year stay with them. He describes the alien scientists as tall, blond, and thin with long arms. They were fashionably dressed in skin-tight jumpsuits open at the neck and wrists, with a metallic shimmer and a wide belt.
Spaceship House Built Just Outside of Moscow
A series of external and internal photos show a futuristic house that has just been constructed outside Russia. But does its design include ROCKET ENGINES? No one seems to know!
Dead Rats Tied to Fence: A Mystery
Meet Bela, A Man Who Dances With His Cats on The French Riviera
A French street performer named Bela Erdei dances with his affectionate housecats for a living. This video captures a day in Bela’s weird life (also on YouTube). See LiveWithCats.TV for another tribute to this unusual performer.
Bela: L’Homme Chat from Paul Trillo on Vimeo.