Crazy Meth Fiend Gets Buzz Cut While Giving Head (ADULT, NSFW)

Meth Fiends' Buzz Cut

SickIn the bizarre hair-cutting fetish video below, two guys share a meth pipe and then, after getting sufficiently high and horny, one gets his hair buzzed off as he gives oral to the other guy who does the shaving (apparently for sexual gratification).  This comes from the blog, Constant Cock Cravings, which has similar drug smoking videos and images.  See here and here for more.

There is another dope-minded Tumblr blog called SleazyTweekrz that has more repulsive dope addicts doing their thing (examples here and here).

Shared from constantcockcravings using Embeddlr

Oh, and lest we forget “sluts heal faster.”

Meth Fiends of Tumblr