SCUM: New MTV Show Publicly Shames White People For “What They’ve Done in America”

CrybabiesDIRTY ROTTEN CRYBABY LIBERAL LEFTIES CATERING TO RACISTS sucker MTV to air a show entitled “White People” which shows young white Americans crying on camera over their “white privilege” and publicly shaming them for “what they’ve done in America.” Read all about this BULLSHIT on Alex Jones site, which writes:

“This documentary represents the culmination of years of race-baiting and racial division which is being driven by the mass media and the Obama White House, tensions which have rapidly accelerated since the Ferguson and Baltimore riots. ”

“They are the ones who invaded. They are the ones who took,” says Jose Antonio Vargas of white people, an illegal immigrant and amnesty activist who has worked for the leftist Washington Post and the ultra liberal leftist Huffington Post!   Many in the liberal media are celebrating the show, with Kristen Yoonsoo remarking how pleased she is about the fact that, “lots of white people tears lie ahead.  It’s always a good time poking fun at white people,” she concludes.

Trailer for this piece of trash!

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