Space Alien Filmed in Mexico Watching Family (VIRAL)

A terrifying moment caught on camera of an alien on the roof of a home in Mexico.

“In the outskirts of Nuevo Laredo city, in broad daylight – the owner of a ranch, hearing strange noises outside the house, decided to investigate. Using the camera of his telephone, he got film an elusive alien being. With humanoid features, the creature apparently was naked exhibiting an extremely pink skin, moving on the roof of the residence. He was agile, slender, had long arms and legs, small head. Perceiving he was being watched, the stranger fled, got out of the rancher field of vision, who wasn’t identified in the reportage. The video about the occurrence, in Spanish – was posted in Youtube by a local television news, El Mañana. Preliminary analysis of the material showed that the images have no cuts, animations or transition effects, indicative of the footage authenticity.”

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