Woman’s Snapchat Selfie Captures Disturbing Ghost in Photo

The spirit of an old woman wearing a lavender dress appears in Snapchat Selfie.

The spirit of an old woman wearing a lavender dress appears in Snapchat Selfie.  Most likely a deceased relative willing its spirit to the moment.

From The Daily Mail:  Miss Harvey told the Daily Mirror: “I was taking a picture of my nephew and I, but my sister jumped into the background so I captioned the picture “photo bombed!”

“A friend of mine came to my house that night and pointed out what looks to be a woman with her hands folded on her knees in the background, baring in mind the picture was taken facing the living room door.

“Although we can’t see the face of the figure the rest of it is as clear as day. There was nobody else in the living room at the time, except for the ghost girl in the purple dress.’

She added that she is now terrified of going into her living room in the dark in case she catches another glimpse of the spectre.

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