Siberian Freeze Hits Reno

Doctor-GravesOK my little devils, I’ve been off from the site for a day or two, sorry about that!  I’ve got a life!  Wow!  LOL :-)

Anyway, we’ve got a nasty little cold front VORTEX thing hitting us up here in Reno bringing freezing temps and snow that’s certain to cause the natives distress as they drive on black ice roads this morning.  The high for Tuesday, Dec. 30 will only be 27, so you can imagine how cold the morning’s gonna be here in gamblin town!  And the morning low on New Year’s Day will be 10 degrees here — so that means everyone’s gonna freeze their balls off on New Year’s Eve watching the FIREWORKS show put on by the casinos, hee-hee.  No way I’m going down there in that cold unless someone supplies me with a mink fur coat!  I’ll just be a pussy and watch the fireworks live on my TV set in my bath robe while petting my pussy cats with a mud pack on my face.  Sounds fun, dun’t it? LOL :-)

Realtime radar image of the snow over Reno

Realtime radar image of the snow over Reno (light blue). Everything’s covered outside. Morning commute traffic apeshit to ensue!

ApeshitTonight I filmed the start of the snowfall (thrilling video below).  Nothing spectacular, but it should build up by morning, causing all kinds of apeshit with the morning commute — cars flipping over, spinning out, hitting each other…  Ah, the joys of Winter!

And don’t look at me too long in the video below cuz I’m getting old as fuck and turning butt ugly with age!  I’ll NEVER get laid now.  It’s fricken soooo OVER for me (unless I drug their Cappuccino, heh-heh!  Calling Bill Cosby!) :-)

I took down the Christmas tree and ornaments off that round table in the picture below.  Kind of depressing looking at Christmas stuff still up a few days after Christmas.  Sort of like having a dead body laying around in the house!  So now nothing obstructs the sun from coming in my parlor and everything returns to being dreary for a whole year until December 2015 when the same fricken decorations and synthetic tree go right back up.   The cats meowed in protest when they watched me pack up the tacky fake tree.  Poor things still have the trailer park blood flowing in their veins!  Outside the denizens of the complex have begun tossing their dead trees all over the place making things look shitty. Typical.  Oh well, Happy New Year, right?  :-)


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