Creative ways in making cheap no-name-brand pasty spaghetti noodles and a pack of .59 cent hot dogs from your local FOOD BANK look inviting at the din-din table in trailer parks across the land.
Mmmm… now wouldn’t that look dee-lick-icious sitting in a big pot in the middle of your dinner din-din table? Look at all these photos of this new cheap food creation that’s become the FOOD SENSATION across the nation!
But what of the sauce? Oh, you simply MUST finish this naked culinary marvel off with sauce — and of course, American’s first choice HAS to involve CHEESE! As hamburger chef Rachel Ray says, “pasta should never be naked.”
Should a packet of dry CHEESE sauce stolen from a stale box of non-name brand Mac ‘N Cheese you received from your local FOOD BANK be used as the finishing COATING for this amazing hot dog creation? Ask this HONEY BOO BOO fan!