Pastor Wants Gays Executed by Christmas to Stop AIDS

Pastor Steven AndersonArizona Baptist Pastor Steven Anderson says it’s “biblical” — mass killings of homosexuals to stop the disease of HIV/AIDS.  He promises an HIV/AIDS-free world by Christmas… by “executing all homos like God recommends.”

Video footage of Anderson’s bizarre rant went viral earlier this week. In it (embedded below), the pastor argues that members of the gay community are “filled with disease because of the judgement of God,” and that the cure for HIV/AIDS was “right there in the Bible all along.  Citing Leviticus 18:22, he noted, “if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn’t have all this AIDS running rampant.”

But Planting for Peace has something planned for the hate-spewing pastor planned.

Listen to the Homophobe’s Gay Voice!

Give a Gun to a Gay for Christmas




Whacked Out Cat Man

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