TRENDING: People Infected with HIV/AIDS are Stamping Themselves with Biohazard Tattoos

HIV Pos Biohazard Tattoo(Left) The HIV Poz tattoo (lots of photos) indicates the bearer is infected with HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). The strange tattoo is in fact a biohazard symbol (see Hazardous Tattoos for more disturbing images).  Another HIV biohazard tattoo is the scorpion, which means the bearer, called the “positive breeder,” intentionally infects HIV negative guys — who plays the aggressive top to submissive bottom men (see actual infection video here and another HIV infection video here, where the “positive breeder” bears the bio-hazard tattoo above his penis) in what is called “Bug Parties.”

HIV Biohazard Tattoo

HIV Biohazard Tattoo

What’s disturbing is that Tumblr hosts numerous “Bug Party” sites by men who are HIV positive  (“Poz is Hot” and “Gay Perv Infected” and “Hazardous Tattoos” and “Sexual POZitivity” and “AIDS Cures Boring Sex“) showing men having unprotected sex bearing this tattoo (see article, “12 HIV-Positive Tattoos You Must See“).

The hosts of these sites actually promote unprotected (known as “bareback”) sex and even go so far as encourage those who do not have HIV to become intentionally infected (called “breeding”) (see actual photos of a man with HIV infecting another with his diseased sperm).   Here is a photo they reblog, promoting the “seeding” of HIV into HIV-negative persons (they call “toxic breeding“).  All of these adult Tumblr pages feature Sleazy Pig characters.

“Another concern that frequently arises during our discussions on the risks of unsafe sex between HIV-infected partners is the possibility of acquiring another strain of HIV, in particular one that might be more aggressive (virulent) or perhaps one that is resistant to antiretroviral drugs.”

Sick Blog promoting "seeding" of HIV virus.

Sick Blog promoting “seeding” of HIV virus.

Some very foolish people who believe what they read on the Internet assume a vaccine that cures HIV is not far off — but this is a misleading news report.  It will take MANY YEARS and numerous trial tests before a cure for HIV/AIDS can be achieved.  Also, persons infected with HIV should not have unprotected sex with HIV Poz partners (see article from, “Unprotected Sex Between HIV Infected Partners: What’s the Harm?“), as they could be reinfected with a more virulent strain of the virus for which current medication cannot control, causing death.

Don’t believe the EVIL that is on the Internet.

EXCLUSIVE: Dawn Davenport’s “Calvacade of Filth” Stage Show

Dawn Davenport (alias "Divine")'s arch enemy Connie Marble reads about how FILTHY Divine is.

Dawn Davenport’s (alias “Divine”) arch enemy Connie Marble reads about how FILTHY Divine is.

An EXCLUSIVE clip from Dawn Davenport (the “filthiest person alive”)’s disgusting “Calvacade of Filth” stage show — ends with the FIRST PUBLIC MASS SHOOTING!

Trailer trash Dawn Davenport is seen coming out of her trailer.

Filthiest Woman Alive

Read more »

“Miley Cyrus Had Sex with a Demon” Says Religious Fruitcake

When Miley Cyrus tweeted the picture below to her Twitter account, right-wing fanatics went nuts on the radio saying she sold her soul to Satan and had sex with a demon.  He says:

“Many pop culture music and movie stars sold their souls to Satan in return for fame and money.”

Miley Cyrus Licks Skeleton

Lighten up! It’s just a Halloween picture.

Bieber Busted Sneaking Out of Whore House

Young Justin Bieber, 19, apparently horny for pussy, went to a brothel to get laid.  After three hours, he is followed out and harassed by photographers, his hired goons threw a sheet over the star as he made his way to his waiting limousine with two whores in it that he took back to his hotel.

What Happens When Justin Bieber Gets Some Pussy

*EXCLUSIVE* Justin Bieber tries to go Incognito at a Brazilian Brothel

Wonder if Bieber gave his two whores to his handsome hunky goons to do in his hotel room?

SUPERNATURAL MYSTERY: Men Instantly Gain Erections Whenever They Look at This Woman

strange_phenomenaWHO is this sexpot heifer that is driving men wild with lusty desire? Scientists are baffled by the strange, almost hypnotic attraction this full-figured woman has on ALL HETEROSEXUAL MEN (excluding homosexuals of course), causing their penises to become blood-engorged and rigidly erect at the mere sight of her IN PERSON (experts say looking at a photo of her won’t induce an erection).

Big Girl Bathing Suit1


CONSPIRACY: Cigarette Smokers Framed and Arrested in Cigarette Smoking Sting

upside-down-worldtexas sucks-BLENTRAPMENT SCHEME by cops in Austin, Texas, in which undercover police offer citizens cigarettes in no-smoking zones, then snatch them up and arrest them when they light up.  From conspiracy theorist Alex Jones (we start the “cigarette arrest” video at pos. 2:50, skipping over Alex Jones’ long-winded 2 1/2-minute sermon on how our country is becoming a Nazi police state, which appears to be TRUE, according to this video proof).

Arrested for Smoking Cigarettes?  Seriously?
Another Reminder of Our Twisted,
Twilight Zone-ish Upside-Down World

New York: Man in “Tighty Whities” Underwear Kicked Out of Whole Foods Store

ApeshitA man copying the TV show “Breaking Bad” character Walter White for Halloween is thrown out of a supermarket for going around in public without pants only wearing tight white underwear that shows his lewd dick bulge. See the Tweets and video here.

“Get the hell out of here and put some pants on!”

Tighty Whites Costume1

Some Dope Actually Paid $9,900 for this Pair of Walter White’s Underwear

Breaking Bad Briefs