Catholic Church Performs Nationwide Exorcism of Mexico

“To Drive the Demons Out of Mexico”


WTFCATHOLIC CHURCH PERFORMS NATIONWIDE EXORCISM OF MEXICO — A few weeks ago Mexico, the second largest Catholic country, was exorcised of its demons in an unprecedented rite of “Exorcismo Magno” performed in secret in the city of San Luis Potosi on May 20.  In an extraordinary act of spiritual warfare, several Catholic Church bishops and exorcist priests performed an exorcism of the entire country of Mexico because of its huge crime wave of drug-related violence, 100,000 abortions, and sexual crimes against children, among other out-of-control abominations — all of which the bishops see as linked to the presence and influence of Satan.

In a telephone interview, Father Fortea declined to give details about the ceremony, but said that “undoubtedly the abortion, Satanism, corruption, the cult of ‘holy’ death and the legalization of sexual aberrations have caused great satanic infestation throughout Mexico.”

Mexico Demonic Possession

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