Baltimore Riots 4/27/15


Baltimore police have begun pepper-spraying rioters today!

VIDEO: Gang Members Say They Did NOT Group to Kill Cops; Police Are Lying About Them

Cops Stand Around While Stores Are Brazenly Looted! Who told them not to act?

Begging Cops

One demonstrator knelt in front of police lines, sobbing about the violence that had happened in the city. “Forgive them, God, for they know not what they do,” she said.


StopMakingStupidPeopleFamousHordes of armed cops in riot gear and hordes of news media descend on Baltimore to deal with angry criminals hell-bent on destroying the city after the cops snapped a man’s spine while in custody in suspected police brutality.  Today crowds are gathering and milling around the streets of Baltimore waiting for the another night of riot action. In the video below, a criminal who stole a car donuts it through fire in the street. [See below and another video of this seen here.  Link on The Blaze.]

  #baltimoreriots   A photo posted by @sarcasticviolence on


Protester in gas mask as cops stand in tear gas fog in Baltimore.


Looters coming out of a CVS store in Baltimore.


Protester grabs his crotch after he and others destroyed a cop car.

There he is AGAIN, grabbing his dick. Destroying a cop car must be sexually gratifying.

There he is AGAIN, grabbing his dick. Destroying a cop car must be sexually gratifying.

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