Tag Archives: moron

Stupid Chick Pepper-Sprays Her Food, Eats It and Gets Really Sick

She says, “Pepper spray is very much a food product” before spraying the volatile, poisonous shit on her sandwich and eating it.  What a dipshit. OK, stupid here’s why you should NOT consume pepper spray. Pepper Spray is not just Capsaicin (the heat found in chili peppers), it also contains some water and propellant. Depending [...]

Sick 13-Year-Old’s Note to Neighbor

It’s a sure bet in 10 years he’ll be driving a window-less van around with “free candy” sprayed on the side.

Moron Films Himself Drinking While Driving, Puts Video on Web and Gets Arrested (VIDEO)

The stupidity award of the year goes to this cretin, who uploaded to the Web a video of himself drinking while driving — which the cops see and arrest him. He’s now saying the video is a “parody” and that there was no beer in the bottle (despite the fact he opened the lid in [...]

Time To Put Away The Dope Pipe

Sitting around catching too many “clouds” of pungent medical marijuana, eh?

Latest Prick Tip — From a Cheapskate Pastor! (A VIRAL SCANDAL GONE WILD)

UPDATE #1: Stupid Applebees FIRED the waitress (learned by the great website Consumerist) who received the cruel and nasty receipt from a church pastor!  (Pictured at Right —>) “Some time on Wednesday, Chelsea says the customer who had left the receipt contacted her Applebee’s location, demanding that everyone be fired, from the servers involved to [...]

Tricky Trick Siphons Gas from Cop Car

Father pats son on head and proudly says, “That’s my boy!”

Drunken Yob With Pants Half-Down on Football Field is Tackled

Creepy guy named Patrick Hurley saunters around a SACRAMENTO football field half naked to annoy football players, is then tackled by a sheriff and other angry, offended men.  Read the Full Story Here.

Assholism 101

A stupid eviction notice written by an imbecile (apparently a crack addict, see below) garners near 1,500 comments on Reddit.  Grammar police over-joyed. Hissy-fit:  The Boston Globe calls Reddit “a cesspool.” Poster 7Deadly’s updates: “I had a friend let me take over the end of his lease, and took over the place once the lease ended. [...]

Moron of the Day: “All Women Are Satan”

Crackpot‘s car message causes a stir.

Foul-Mouthed Drunken Woman Gets Thrown Off Train After She Spits, Curses And Strikes Passengers (VIDEO)

WENCH BECOMES INTERNET STAR! VIRAL VIDEO: Passengers on an Australian train throw a drunken, disgusting woman off the train after she spat on and struck passengers — all captured in this YouTube video that has gone viral across the land!  Go to this Daily Mail article for ATTACK PHOTOS. As with most popular videos, pussy YouTube [...]