Little Boy Recounts Past Life on Broadway and Acting with Mae West

Return to LifeA 10-year-old son of a bible-pounding Baptist preacher is shocking the congregation with his stories of a past life way, way back in the 1930s with long-dead screen star Mae West. The boy says he was formerly Marty Martin, and actor and agent who was in the Mae West film ‘Night After Night’ and performed on Broadway. His vast knowledge, vivid recollections and stunningly accurate descriptions of the era have convinced even experts that the young man may have in fact been reincarnated.

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“The most shocking claim however came when Ryan told Dr. Tucker during a session one day that he wondered why God had him die at 61-years-old only to be reincarnated as a baby. This seemed to clash with Martin’s death report, that stated he was 59 at the time he died. That is until Dr. Tucker looked through old census reports and discovered that the certificate, and not Ryan, was incorrect. The certificate claimed Martin was born in 1905 when in fact he had been born in 1903 according to the census. And so, Martin was likely 61 years old at the time of his death.”

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