Been Feeling Sick, Updates to Follow

TigerCat and Xmas Tree

Christmas tree with tiger cat admiring it. Will she attack it?

New updates coming later, I’ve been having health issues and have been feeling rotten, bedridden. Heavy fatigue, irritating nausea, mild headache and joint aches and pains all over. Had my flu shot, but who knows what’s going around anymore. Here’s a pic of my little fake Christmas tree I put up over the weekend.  Nothing special, but it’s got glass ornaments and really is comforting to look at when it’s lighted.  The train beneath goes around it on the tabletop, but I’ve been feeling so shitty I haven’t put it together.  Will put a video of the train and tree later when I recover from this weird illness.

2014ChristmasTree 2014XmasTree1

My two “therapy pets.” They are nine years old. Very loving cats. Lifesavers.


We’ve been hit with a LOT of rain and tons of snow in the High Sierras. It’s raining again today as I key this. Nasty cold, wet wintry weather.


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