At the approach of police car sirens in the distance, a bystander told 911 he was sickened by the shocking scene of a public utility pole being used as a stripper pole before his very eyes in broad daylight. “This is not the way of Jesus,” he shouted at the wanton, sinful woman who ignored him.

“Sania, listen to me — “ I started unbuttoning my shirt, “- you’re going to be fucked this afternoon. And I’m going to fuck you like an animal.”
From “Fucking the Fatty.”
Meanwhile, a couple of buildings down, cheating wife Lisa was being brutally nailed by her brother-in-law, in a three-filthy-page expose of wanton lust and desire brought to you by the NonConsent/Reluctance Stories Hub!
“Lisa had lost control of the situation but she still believed she could stop Jimmy. She wasn’t committing adultery she reasoned, Jimmy would pull out at the last minute and that would make everything alright. But the ramming of the cock, the thrusting and grinding in her pussy and the stretching of its lips like never before, the slapping of balls, and the sheer indecency of getting fucked like a whore in her own house by her husband’s brother was turning a faithful housewife into a slut. She loved the feeling of having her brother-in-law”s painfully swollen prick driving into her eagerly up thrust pussy. She was proud of her gorgeous body and knew that it would make Jimmy horny enough to give her the savage fucking she needed.” [Continue reading the shocking, forbidden love scene of “Lisa’s Lust”]