Meet the Chinese Lumberjack Who Slept With an Alien

HE BALLED HER GOODChinese lumberjack Meng Zhaoguo, who lives in a forest of China’s far east, claims to be the first Chinese person to have had sex with an alien.  Meng claims that he impregnated an alien woman during a hot, 40-minute sex session who, in 60 years’ time, will bear his child on a distant, alien planet.

“He woke to find himself floating above his bed. As his wife slumbered beneath him, a 10-foot-tall, 6-fingered alien woman with thighs coated in braided hair straddled his waist. Meng and the alien copulated for 40 minutes.”

Meng takes a LIE DETECTOR TEST to prove his story is real.

Hot fuck Meng takes a LIE DETECTOR TEST to prove his story.

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