A massive U.S. military drill called “Operation Jade Helm” will have 1,200 service members, including Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines, engage in an 8-week training drill in various towns of the Southwest this year.
But conspiracy theorists on the Internet are fearful the drills are the “hostile” military’s preparation to impose martial law on Americans who are “fed up with an out-of-control federal government” and claim it’s a New World Order plan to take over. Even a Congressman is fearful and has posted a warning on his Facebook page.
“JADE HELM 15 is a (SOC) Special Operations Command (RMT) Realistic Military Training planned drill for the South Western United States covering seven states which broke in alternative media almost a week ago,” writes Freedom Outpost. “I will not sit idly by and allow our alternative media to be portrayed as ‘conspiracy theorists’ by those that are ignorant or liars.”