“White People Need to Be Killed!” Says #BlackLivesMatter Supporter (VIDEO)

“You mother-f**ckers thought we should be killed when ya’ll came and stole us from Africa and put us in chains and murdered us for over 400 years, so yeah, you do need to die. I think everybody else on the planet would have peace when you’re dead.” [Source]

“We can’t have any peace on the planet because of white supremacy and white existence. So yeah, f**king die or go back to the cave. I’m not scared to say it.”

[NOTE: This bit of ad nauseam is posted here for cringe-worthy news.  We are NOT against the #BlackLivesMatter movement. We are for freedom and against police brutality. But some people take their passion a bit too far, as in this woman’s case, showing HATRED and imposing that hatred on others. That attitude is NOT what the #BlackLivesMatter movement is about.–Ed.]