heatwave_smlI’ve got to put up more finds, but the hot weather here has been affecting my diabetes and causing me to have fatigue spells with my illnesses, giving me a kind of short attention span issue.  I’ve been having to lay down and keep off my feet from occasional dizzy spells.  Also issues with blood sugar drops and profuse sweating caused by diabetes and heat, a combo that causes me lose valuable sleep at night.

Old tomcat White Paws: King of Fur tries to keep cool from the heat laying atop the bedroom dresser at night. Even with the new ceiling fan on he gets hot with all that fur!
Old tomcat White Paws: King of Fur tries to keep cool from the heat laying atop shelves beneath the open window at night. Even with the new ceiling fan on he gets hot with all that fur!

This hot summer’s been torturous, especially with all the smoke pollution blowing in from all the fires burning up California (see this great fire map).  Looking forward to the first day of Autumn coming on September 23.  Hope you’re doing OK where you are.  Thanks for stopping by and remembering your old pal who likes to shock you with the strange stuff, heh-heh!  :-)  Hugs to you all!

Smoke pollution from raging wildfires polluting the air of Reno, Nevada.
Smoke pollution from raging wildfires polluting the air of Reno, Nevada, affecting the brothels, casinos, resorts and tourists who visit those places in the sinful state of Nevada!  Oh God, oh God!
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