Do YOU see the Virgin Mary in Mike Iacovetta’s severed tree? Watch the video to hear what Iacovetta says about the mysterious thing he keeps in his garage in Colorado.
Monthly Archives: July 2015
The Night of the Blue Moon
Friday’s full moon will be a rare, pretty-pretty blue.
More Filthy Rich Caught Killing Endangered Cats in Africa!
Filthy rich white people feel entitled in their killing for sport, causing the extinction of African cats for their egomaniac pleasure. SIGN THE PETITION to extradite the dirty rich scumbag who killed Cecil the Lion for his killing pleasure.

VIDEO: Chicago Woman Shouts N-Word at Black Mom — Then Lectures Her About the Constitution
“Nigger!” Massion spits at the camera as the video begins. “Oh, of course you haven’t graduated and you don’t know the Constitution of the United States and what it says,” said Massion. “It’s called free speech in America. Right to free speech! Look it up!”

When black children accidentally splashed white woman Angelle Marie Massion (pictured above) who was sitting at the edge of the water at the beach in Chicago, Massion flew into an angry, racist rant. Raquel Bolton posted video of the encounter to her Facebook page, writing, “Wow the hate is real!” Internet sleuths have identified the woman as Chicago-area standup comic and sports blogger Angelle Marie “Puff” Massion.
Meet Ozzy, the Cross-Eyed Cat!

Naked Old Man Bush Humper Arrested
An 81-year-old man was witnessed completely naked “humping” a bush in his yard and charged for “abusing greenery.”
People are Tricked Into Eating Dog Food
Taste testers were unaware they were eating dog food in a “blind taste test” set up by a dog food company called FreshPet.
Donald Trump for President Facebook Page
Interesting FULL INTERVIEW with Trump on Don Lemon’s CNN Tonight Show Last Night (20 min.)
Order a Donald Trump 2016 t-shirt(s) and other collectible political memrobilia on the Donald Trump for President Facebook site.
Rodent Feeding At Restaurant Before Opening
Will you look at that? Right in the restaurant’s window, too! And he’s LEAVING DROPPINGS as he nibbles on that food, adding insult to injury! This happens all over the world, daily — even at FANCY, HOITY-TOITY OVER-PRICED RESTAURANTS! You sheep are so TRUSTING of the crappy fast food management — no more than teenagers most of them — mishandling your food! You don’t have a clue what they’re doing with your food behind the scenes! Said it before and will say it again, COOK YOUR FOOD AT HOME. If you don’t know how to cook, it’s easy: READ A BOOK!
Drought Shower Curtain that ATTACKS YOU, Has Been Invented
A shower curtain based on medieval TORTURE techniques has been invented by a clever designer for the drought-ridden state of California. After FOUR MINUTES of showering, the shower curtain inflates into SPIKES that poke the water user to stop!
“Truly a terrifying thing… to be forced to shower for only 4 minutes before being poked in my lower orifices by a shower curtain spike!”
Dune World
Hugo Award Winning John Schoenherr – “Dune World” (1963). One of the GREAT science fiction writers of the 20th century. See The Illustrated Dune (also here from Omni magazine article) for more interesting Dune art. Schoenherr lived from 1935-2010.

Strange animated gif images from weird, cult movies on Exploitastic…