Drunk Guy Passed Out on Street Wakes Up to a Homeless Guy Making Out With Him (GROSS PHOTOS!)

Guy’s worst hangover ever — wakes up to find stinky bum trying to French kiss him with is nasty tongue while grabbing his dick.   Read full story here.

Euuuu GROSS!

Handsome Black Man Fired from Job for Complaining About Female Coworkers Wanting to Have Sex with Him

Harassed by female co-workers wanting his “big black dick.”

The harassment has left him feeling “extremely humiliated, degraded, victimized, embarrassed, and emotionally distressed,” according to the suit, which is seeking unspecified damages.  [Source]

A strapping young Manhattan p.r. rep claims his female bosses treated him like a sexy hunk of meat — and then quickly kicked him to the curb when he turned down their sleazy proposals, according to a lawsuit. Joseph Earl Jackson says his supervisors at Open Communications Omnimedia in Chelsea flirted with him, fondled him and even asked him to take part in a salacious “bang sesh.” Jackson said he “endured” seven months of lusty ladies hugging him, kissing him and telling him, “You are so handsome” at their company offices. The $35,000-a-year account coordinator claims the company’s chief strategist, Sally O’Dowd, told him “how she loved young black and Hispanic men” and “that she loved how sexy his chest and deltoids were in his white button- down shirt”. O’Dowd even allegedly commented on Jackson’s penis size after a client pitched a new product — a case with a condom inside. She said the condom “probably wouldn’t fit Joseph,” the suit claims. The alleged harassment did not stop with O’Dowd, the suit claims, adding that another supervisor, Kathryn Campisano, allegedly pursued Jackson on the sly. The supervisor allegedly sent him a text message last November that asked, “When are we going to have our bang sesh?” When Jackson complained to Open Communications CEO John Andrew Morris, the exec allegedly ridiculed him in front of his colleagues. Morris called Jackson “a hater that needed to be removed,” the suit says, and he was canned on Feb. 21.

Horny Florida Woman Calls 911 Begging Cop for Sex

She wanted this officer's dick in her.
She wanted this officer’s dick in her.

Maria Montenez-Colon, of Punta Gorda, Fla., was arrested Friday night for misuse of 911 after she allegedly asked a responding officer for sex because she had not been ‘penetrated in years.’ When the cop arrived at her home he asked her what he could do to help her.

Montanez-Colon reportedly told Officer Justin Davoult, “You are so sexy,” and asked about his marital status. She also announced, “I haven’t been penetrated in years,” and “I am so horny.” Davoult, 31, noted that, “I asked her what I could help her with and she stated ‘You can fuck me.’”

Horny Floriday Woman

Next on Maury

Histrionics galore as Maury’s shrieking psychopaths’ filthy immoral sins are exposed by paternity and lie detector tests! Oooola-la!

“Dude, watching those fat screaming sows will make you RUN for a vasectomy!”