Look at the smile of contentment as The Little Tiger Cat™ sleeps peacefully on my pillow as I convalesce today. I’m not feeling well. Feel rotten. A train wreck. Aches and pains all over, nausea, fatigue… particularly pain from foot neuropathy — it even crawls up my ankle. As I type this it’s throbbing and the bottoms of my feet burn as though I’ve walked on scorching sand — a never-ending TORTURE. I have meds in me for it, they don’t really do jack shit to kill it, but cost big time in co-pays to Big Pharma. Suck!
“There is no known cure for peripheral neuropathy. The goal of treatments are to slow the progression of the disease, to maintain foot health, and to decrease pain (if present) and improve the quality of life. The doctor may order a blood test to check your blood sugar level because high blood sugar levels and diabetes are an important cause of peripheral neuropathy.”
Yeah well I checked my blood sugar with my glucose monitor. It reads within the normal range, and I took an shot of injection upon waking when it was high, injecting 15 ml of glucose to bring it down.
Let’s make something very clear: high glucose levels don’t make the neuropathy flare up. Even if you have low sugar you will still feel the effect of neuropathy pain! Once your nerves get damaged it hurts ALL THE TIME, despite your glucose readings, whether high or low. It’s always there, day and night, burning, stinging, shooting pains. It can’t be stopped!
I don’t eat sugar. The house is barren of anything with sugar in it. The problem lies in carbohydrates, foods like bread.
Yogurt is a bad culprit, a thing touted as being a health food once, a long time ago. In the the olden days of yore before the maniacs defiled it, yogurt was sold in “health nut” stores. Then it was pure. It didn’t have any additives. Yeah, it tasted terrible, but it was HEALTHY to eat…
Then, due to outcry of crybaby whiners, manufacturers began putting sugar in it, adding sugary fruit to sweeten to sour goop!
Tests of major brands find simple vanilla yogurt contains as much sugar in it as a TWINKIE! Either our food has too much fat or sodium in it, or it’s “low-fat” but high in sugar! I swear it’s like they’re deliberately trying to kill us with diabetes and obesity. You MUST check the labels on everything you buy anymore. No, SERIOUSLY. Try living with neuropathy. It’s a living nightmare, and there’s no cure.