Judge Tonya Parker says until same-sex licenses are legal in Texas, she will not sign sforms. “I do not perform them because it is not an equal application of the law. Period,” she said, reports the NY Daily News.
Tag Archives: gay
No Respect for the Law

County Court Clerk Kim Davis. Religious fanatic who refuses to sign gay marriage licenses citing her religious “conviction” against homosexuals, despite she herself being DIVORCED FOUR TIMES — a sin, according to the Holy bible. She claims to be a big time religious person, yet does not attend church on Sundays or is a regular church-goer at all!
Why should people going to the courthouse for their marriage license be subject to her judgment imposed on them? It’s none of her business whether the couple is gay or straight.
Whitey Brutally Slaps and Spits on His Black “Slave” in Depraved Homemade Sex Video
Vicious skinny ass racist white punk slaps the shit out of a black man’s face, then spits on him as he forces his “slave” to CHOKE on his dirty dick in a disgraceful homemade sex clip promoting gay racial slavery of the almighty white cock. More depraved slavery shit at Gay Nazi Masters and Slaves.

Weird Vintage
Michigan farm boys presumably raided their mothers’ and sisters’ closets for this portrait, c. 1870s. [Via Weird-Vintage.com]
Pat Robertson: “Gays and Everyone Who Accepts Them Are Totally Going To Hell” [VIDEO]
On Joe.My.God’s new website (old Blogspot one here), he features yet another post by hate-inciting and discriminatory crackpot “pastor” Pat Robertson. A viewer of Pat’s “700 Club” program wrote to ask if he was wrong to not return to a church that had an openly gay pastor doing the Sunday sermon.
“It’s an abomination for a man to lay with another man and they will not enter Heaven,” Robertson clarifies.
Pat Says THIS is “HOMOSEXUAL FORNICATION” (or “SODOMY”) that, when practiced, is a sin, and the men “will not enter Heaven” for engaging in such “acts of abomination”:
Do You Think Men Should Be “Put to Death” for Having Anal Sex? (SODOMY or FORNICATION)

[Citing Pat’s reference to Bible verse on homosexual sex: Leviticus 20:13: “If a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”]
What’s New on Tumblr
July’s Stupid Tumblr Pick: Stink Face Punishment
Big Flap Over Gay Flag Replacing American Flag in Reno by Mistake Yesterday
Last Saturday, Reno held its Gay Pride parade and festival, then on Sunday the American flag which waves atop the court building was replaced with the gay flag, causing outrage, especially on KTVN’s Facebook page, garnering nearly 5,000 shares! The mayor apologized; she had nothing to do with the temporary replacement and the gay flag was taken down. It was a simple mistake.
The Drug Fiends of Tumblr

Cringe/vomit-worthy from the dark side of the fringe reaches of the Internet.
Amateur Party Vids — Nothing but movies of drug addicts smoking or shooting up, which they call “slamming.” Some of the swill is gay, some not — some nudity, some not, but definitely ADULT and NSFW. Disturbing to watch, especially seeing blood in the needles. Many bear the AIDS biohazard tattoo. It’s a known fact that AIDS can be transmitted by drug addicts sharing needles. See the Biohazard Tattoos site, Scared Fag and Fag Hater for more creepy, disturbing swill where gay men are humiliated in ugly ways.
Cloud Top not only smokes on his Tumblr to entertain, but likes to model his clothing line.
Meth Smoker Clutches Pipe Blowing Clouds of Filth
FAKE Gay Baker Attacks Gays for Bullying Homophobic Christian Bakers Who Refuse to Make Same-Sex Wedding Cakes
Obviously a fake gay. Ridiculously overdone effeminate fake gay accent and affect he uses in his video. And THAT HAIR… no self-respecting gay man would get around looking like a cockatiel. A phony Christian right-winger trying to hoax you.