Crazed Drug Fiend “Slamming” on Tumblr Wearing Penis Chastity Lock (ADULT, NSFW)

SickJunkie makes twisted faces as he injects into his arm. Once high, he starts mumbling weird things, smokes two cigarettes at once and boasts how he smokes three packs a day in his smoking fetish — all the while playing with his little pecker, which has a chastity lock on it to prevent him from using it on someone. WTF?



And this drug fiend from the same site…

Doctor-GravesMan, what a screwy, upside-down world it is today with good-looking healthy young guys like this brazenly posting videos of themselves using dope onto the Internet seeking validation for what they’re doing. Very sad and disturbing. Too much free time on their hands. INSTITUTE THE DRAFT again to get them busy doing something!


Bring Back the Draft