PHOTOS: Angry Tenant Sledgehammers Apartment After Landlord Refuses to Return His $2,500 Deposit



YEAH! Way to go, buddy! Watch Frenchie trash his apartment with a big SLEDGEHAMMER after his greedy landlord refused to return his $2,500 deposit! Vengeance d’un locataire!  Read story with photos and video here. Story also on Metro.

I had an orgasm watching hot Frenchie swing that sledgehammer on the shower tile! God I want to suck his dick for doing that.

See the Amazing Rare Spinning Ice Disk

From Los Angeles Times: North Dakota retired engineer George Loegering has found a rare spinning disk of ice in the Sheyenne River, a weather phenomenon experts say likely was caused by cold, dense air, and an eddy in the river.

“An amazing wonder.”

Two Women Get Into Black Friday Stun Gun Fight Inside Mall (VIDEO)

Black Friday

Looney-TunesAfter their men fight, two women fight each other for domination in the Franklin Mills Mall in Northeast Philadelphia. During the melee one of the women used her stun gun on the other. Full Story with witness info here.

Here’s a still of the stun gun zapping one of the brawling women:


Yes, believe it or not these are adults. See another cell phone video of this incident (with an annoying woman moaning in the background) at

Continue reading Two Women Get Into Black Friday Stun Gun Fight Inside Mall (VIDEO)

Remembering the Trixies

Jane Kean, who died on Thanksgiving at age 90, played “Trixie” on the 1960s “Honeymooners” revival on The Jackie Gleason Show (1962-70), shares with Larry King on how she got the part of Norton’s wife in a 2002 interview that includes Joyce Randolph, the last surviving “Trixie” of the 1950’s foursome (brief clip).

Also, the original 1950s Trixie, Joyce Randolph, is interviewed in 2012. And here’s Jane Kean playing Trixie in the 1970s Honeymooners’ Valentine’s Day Special (1978) (yeah, they made Honeymooners in the 1970s, too).  Joyce (89) says of her longevity:

“I’ve been on Omega-3 fish oil for years,” Randolph said. “And Coenzyme Q10, you have to take that. Resveratrol supplements are supposed to have the same benefits as red wine. I take that too with a little red wine!”‘

Black Friday Women Fight Over Rachel Ray Cookware (VIDEO)

This happened at WalMart Turkey Creek in Knoxville, TN. Look at the greedy women push, shove and grab for Rachel Ray cookware on Black Friday 2013.

Sucker Black Friday Shoppers Fight Over Cheap Ass Crap Low-Res 720p HD TV’s

In this video, two women fight over one cheap ass low-res 720p HD television while a growing crowd watches on and films. Police officers had to step in to separate them, eventually pinning down one of the hysterically angry bargain hunters.  See article on HD TVs: “Beware of TV Bargains on Black Friday.”

Walmart shopper says the store kicked him out for his filming of this video of an entitled man barging his way through the store with his cheap ass low-res 720p HD TV he thought he was getting a big bargain on (a good HD TV is 1080p and higher and should be LED, by the way. Don’t waste money on anything less than that. And also check the refresh rate. The higher the refresh the better the picture). His shoving angered other shoppers:

What a Big Fat Low-Class PIG

And the Black Friday Greed Fights Begin…

Looney-TunesThis new Vine tells it all (Walmart shoppers duel it out)… see our Twitter feed at right for links to Black Friday mayhem news and videos.  Expect to see more shocking Black Friday Mayhem news over this three-day Black Friday weekend.  That’s all, folks!

Even in Britain Black Friday incited the best in people! Loss of dignity to save a buck equals suck.

“They were like locusts. It was madness.”

Black Friday Crime

Listen to Live Streaming Christmas Songs from The Christmas Song Station

Sunny 106.9 plays Christmas songs 24/7 during the Christmas season. Click image below for the live streaming box pop-up.


[If you have trouble with the stream link above, try this alternative.]

Cats in Carrier Thrown Into San Francisco Bay by a Fucking Lunatic

Two beloved adult cats were inside this carrier and thrown into San Francisco Bay by a psychopath.
Two beloved adult cats were inside this carrier and thrown into San Francisco Bay by a psychopath.

Our Sick WorldSAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Two cats were killed after a man ripped them away from their owner and threw them into San Francisco Bay.

Animal Care and Control Capt. Vicky Goldbach says witnesses saw a man approach a woman at Pier 14 on Tuesday at about 4:20 p.m.

Goldbach says the man took all the woman’s belongings – including a carrier that held both cats – and tossed them into the water.

She says authorities retrieved the victims’ possessions but not before the cats had drowned.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the victim was too distraught to provide much information to investigators but that she said she didn’t know the man who killed her animals.

Authorities are searching for the suspect.