Cop Stops “Hot Mess” Portly Matron on the Prowl


"Hot Mess" Bitch on the Prowl, Attracts the Attention of Two Mean Girls in a Car -- and the cops!
“Hot Mess” Bitch on the Prowl, Attracts the Attention of Two Mean Girls in a Car — and the cops!

Mean girls in car film “hot mess” old woman walking the streets in an ill-fitting red bathing suit, who is stopped by a cop — likely on suspicion of being a HOE.

VIRAL VIDEO: Road Rage Idiot Stuck in Traffic is Filmed Pulling a GUN on Another Driver

Road rage asshole points a gun at another driver as the two are stuck in bumper to bumper traffic — with a cop car ahead. [See Dallas News for details on the encounter.]

Ummm… so how come nobody reported the driver with the gun to the cops stuck ahead in traffic???

Classic Russian Science Fiction

Alien World Surface

Cult-Movies(Above) Alien world landscape from “Mars” (1968) by Russian sci-fi film director, producer, screenwriter and author Pavel Vladimirovich Klushantsev . A self-taught special effects engineer, far ahead of his time, Klushantsev devised many effects and techniques used by major motion pictures for decades to come.

Car from Planet of Prehistoric

The submersible space car:

Klushantsev also brought the world the cult film classic “Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet” (1962) (a.k.a. “Planeta Bur” (meaning planet of storms)) and “Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women” (1968), “The Moon” (1965) and “Road to the Stars” (1956):

The Domes: Creepy, Haunted Place

The Domes

“People have reported black magic rituals, a rape and murder, black figures darting between the buildings, tapping on cars, weird sensations, and weird vibrations…”  Keep Reading

McDonalds Employee Brutally Beats Woman; Woman’s Toddler Kicks Attacker (VIDEO)

Police are searching for this vicious bitch.
Police are searching for this vicious bitch.

UPDATE: The police chief tells suspect Harris to “Turn yourself in.”

Cops are searching for a black female McDonalds employee named LaTia Harris, who was filmed by a bystander (wearing red shirt and black pants) brutally punching and kicking a woman on the ground as the victim’s small child tries to stop the violence — NOT A SINGLE BYSTANDER TRIED TO STOP THE ATTACK.

Attack Victim
Attack Victim
At the end of the video, the attacker SPITS on her victim and walks off telling bystanders not to put the video on the Internet — thinking she can get away brutally assaulting others.  During the beating, Harris threatened to kick the victim’s toddler in the face.   This fucking psychopath needs to be caught and put in a cage for battery.  READ DETAILS ABOUT THIS CRIME HERE.



[In case YouTube deletes video, Google “Black McDonalds Employee Savagely Beats White Mother in Front of Her Toddler” or watch it on this LiveLeak link.]

Continue reading McDonalds Employee Brutally Beats Woman; Woman’s Toddler Kicks Attacker (VIDEO)

YAY! Mass Firings at “The View”!

ENTIRE CAST FIRED EXCEPT FOR WHOOPI! HOORAY! USE #TheView on Twitter for all the joy!

See article, “ABC Blows Up “The View””

TMZ writes:

Our sources say there was a meeting at ABC late Thursday afternoon and they announced Sherri Shepherd and Jenny McCarthy were out. Sources tell us executive producer Bill Geddie also will not be coming back.

Maybe not coincidentally … Barbara Walters is scheduled to be on the show Friday.  [Hmmm… did she have anything to do with this MIRACLE?]

“The View” has been in turmoil since Jenny was hired … it messed up the chemistry on the show.


Gay Teen Fast Food Worker Forced to Wear ‘Gaytard’ Nametag (VIDEO)

“He pulled me into the office and gave me a nametag that read ‘Gaytard’ on it and asked me to wear it. “

People Who SuckGay teen Tyler Brandt working at Taco John’s in South Dakota was given the above homophobic “gaytard” slur nametag by his manager, who told him to wear it. Evil BastardsThe teen was in fear of losing his job, so he did so. The manager had been taunting the gay teen with the usual gay slurs. When he tried to remove the nametag, Brandt says his manager forced him to put it back on in full view of customers.

South Dakota has no laws that protect LGBTI people from discrimination at work.