Description: “Crazy fuck in Long Beach breaking windows at 3 am last night.”
Tag Archives: Florida
Florida Man Rides Unicycle in Public Pool (VIRAL)
From Florida Man on Twitter… also see FloriDuh for weird crime news out of Florida, the “too much sunshine state.”
He should have done this exciting stunt to the tune of “The Stroll”! Some people just don’t have any creativity.
Florida Man Claims He Is the Devil and We Are All Going to Die on August 24!
Join Satan and Have
“Eternal Life in Florida” (-GAG-)
— or DIE!

EXCLUSIVE FROM MORON.COM! Ashton Black was a “normal” guy working at a crummy payday loan job when he says Satan approached the counter and asked to “enter” him.
“People have until August 24, 2015 to accept me as their Master. I plan to kill billions and billions of humans. Those who do not bow down to me will be ripped to shreds by my demons. Those who accept me will be given eternal life in Florida. The world as people know it ends in August.”
“Satan was about 10 foot tall, had huge 12 inch horns, was red,” Black said. “He told me he wanted to enter me. And I said okay, why not? He became a gas substance and entered through my belly button. It felt totally intense like I had just smoked PCP. At that point, I became Satan.”
Turns out, this is a FAKE NEWS story. The photo above is explained by News from the Spirit World:
Update: Well the party is over for Satan and the people of Tampa can again safely get loans for beer, weed and pizza. The photo turns out to be from a posed collection from a professional photographer with tags like ‘Vampire,’ ‘Halloween,’ and ‘Goth.’
Florida is So Flooded, People are Catching Fish in the Streets with Their Bare Hands!
[Click to watch him snare a live fish with bare hands off the sidewalk: Florida Fish Catch Video]

An enraged Road Rager shot a father five times in the back in front of his family — he even pointed his gun at the slain father’s wife and children! Now a father is dead, leaving his wife and child in severe despair — all over stupid egomaniac aggression on the road. Hear the 911 calls the two men made before the father was shot to death in the back. Why was Doyle armed in the first place? Someone driving around with a loaded weapon in the car. Nobody is safe even on the roads anymore! You never know what sort of whacko will get mad at you and kill you!
“Gonzalez’s wife told deputies that it was Doyle who was the aggressive driver and the only reason her husband drove to Doyle’s home was to obtain his address to file a complaint against his aggressive driving.
Mass shootings as defined by the FBI happen about every two weeks in America. For nearly a decade, USA Today has been tracking these incidents on a website that paints a grim picture. [Source]”
ABC US News | World News
SEE MORE CRAZY FLORIDA NEWS AT Floriduh and Florida Man.
Florida Man Ordered by City to Keep BBQ Smell From Leaving His Property
A Florida man and his friend record a conversation with a Pinellas county (Florida) environmentalist saying BBQ smoke out of your yard is illegal in Florida after his neighbors complained to authorities.
FLORIDA! “Patriot” Confederate Flag Nuts with Guns
FLORIDA — Confederate ‘patriot’ bans Muslims from his Florida gun shop in hilariously melodramatic video.

‘Sovereign citizen’ arrested after twice trying to grab one of six loaded guns in his Confederate flag car.
“Immediately the driver exhibited aggression towards the officers and began making statements consistent with ‘sovereign citizen type beliefs,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement. “Rather than comply with deputies, the driver reached for a gun.” KEEP READING
His grandmother defends him on Facebook. She decorated her housey with this banner.
FLORIDA: Mexican Immigrant Designs Donald Trump BUTT PLUG
In the continual shaming of Donald Trump, now we have a Mexican immigrant in Florida who’s designed a butt plug in the likeness of Trump he’s selling for $27.99.
A Filthy & Disgusting Thing
Raccoon Rides Alligator in Photo from Florida’s Ocala National Forest
While exploring a forest in Florida, a man snapped a shocking photo of a raccoon riding an alligator.
FLORIDA Town Goes Apeshit Over Artist’s Home & Trees Covered in Foil (PHOTOS)
“This is art,” Janowski said. “In their thick, bureaucratic books, I’m sure they have nothing against this.”
“I don’t know what the heck that thing is,” said Lynn Martin, who has lived across the street for about 20 years. “It’s the strangest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
When Viena artist Piotr Janowski covered his Florida rental property and trees with heavy duty Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil for the sake of art, the City went apeshit and sent out code enforcement to see if his foil project violates ordinances and then they sent an arborist to inspect his foil covered trees to determine if the foil was damaging them. Janowski’s neighbors snitched him out to his landlord to try to get him evicted. So far nobody can find a way to stop him from his foil project. Talk about people with way too much free time on their hands…