A mysterious tiger-striped dog was discovered by a journalist and news crew in Thailand.
Tag Archives: animals
US Dept of Interior Bear Cam
If it doesn’t load, look at this amazing thing here!
Relax & read this #BearCam story from @Buzzfeed (you won't regret it): http://t.co/ZFqP1kVz91 #SeeTheMomentWhen 🐻 https://t.co/O9HxdEj2HD
— US Dept of Interior (@Interior) October 8, 2015
Cat Found Chained to a Tree in Forest
JUSTICE for “Forest the Cat”!
Some dirty rotten piece of human swill chained a cat to a tree with a padlock deep in a forest and left it there to die in a thicket of thorny underbrush. [See the animal website The Dodo for this and more animal stories.]
Strange Rabbit Bearing Tusks Found
A rabbit found on the side of the road had grown tusks for teeth.
Proof of Greed in the Bird Kingdom
Pollo, the quaker parrot, refuses to share his peanut treat with his bird friends, Manny, the cockatiel, and Garry, the Indian ring-necked parrot.
Very Strange Kangaroo Encounter
A biker encounters a kangaroo horde standing completely still like cardboard images and is freaked out by the weirdness of it.
Scientists Finally Discover Why Cats Have Vertical Pupils!
Scientists have published an important scientific paper about the odd differences in pupil sizes of various animals. Link to the research article here, a must-read, most certainly.
“We found animals with vertically elongated pupils are very likely to be ambush predators which hide until they strike their prey from relatively close distance…”
Policeman Saves Baby Skunk with Yogurt Container Stuck on Head
Police car dashcam video of Officer Merlin Taylor with the Rochester Police Department saving a baby skunk with a yogurt container stuck on its head. No, the policeman wasn’t SPRAYED as it’s a baby skunk not yet mature enough to make the horrible spray skunks make.
Soldier’s Best Friend
Photos of military dogs doing amazing things.
RESCUE: Dog Gets Head Stuck In A Wheel Rim
Firefighters come to the rescue of a dog who got its head stuck in a wheel rim.
Meet Angus, The Skate-Boarding Bulldog!
Angus is an English bulldog who enjoys athletics. Here’s Angus’ Facebook.
World’s Biggest Cow
A gigantic cow named Blosom has caught the attention of Guinness.