Vile Desecration of the Magical Black Onyx Healing Stone in the Search for “Inner Peace”!

Black Onyx Healing CrystalSexual-OdditiesThis is a Black Onyx Stone (or alternatively referred to as a “Chakrub” by its so-called founder).

The stone has been revered for thousands of years as a magical healing stone, believed by ancient mystics to help “alleviate fears and worries and to help you to feel comfortable within yourself and in your surroundings. It is also believed to promote stamina and vigor and to encourage the making of wise decisions.”


Creepy shopper ran all the way home with its Black Onyx to do nauseating things with it. Ugh.

NO! The Black Onyx is meant to be WORN — not stuck up the filthy anus or vagina as a dildo “to find inner peace with”! If the stone is used in a PROFANE WAY, the user will suffer “untold reprisal” from powers beyond our comprehensionDO NOT EVER DESECRATE A BLACK ONYX!

Read the Disgusting Details Here of one who did so: “How Alison Found “Inner Peace” with a Healing Crystal Dildo”

FYI ALISON: The Black Onyx is NOT called a “crystal.” It’s a STONE! There’s a big difference!  Get it right!