Source: Black cat pushes orange cat into pool by vidibona on Rumble
Tag Archives: LOL
Bill Cosby Drink Drugging Halloween Costume
“Why Doesn’t the Squirrel In My Backyard Like Me?”
A person concerned about wildlife posted this textbook classic passive-aggressive question: “Why Doesn’t the Squirrel In My Backyard Like Me?” on the bitchy gay forum.
Here is someone’s answer:
“It doesn’t like you because it senses your evil, controlling toxic personality and is fearful of it. Animals are aware of human emotions. They have the uncanny knack for sensing someone who is hostile to them and they flee in fear. It has obviously heard you screaming and yelling in your house, for the squirrel lives near your home. It hates you because it thinks you are an untrustworthy human who may do it harm! Stop being a screaming harpie in your home. Stop shouting accusations at people caused by your insecurity. Stop being a total asshole cunt. And for God’s sake, when you’re getting your ass fucked, stop being so loud about it. The animals are appalled by your mimicking the sound you heard of your mother getting fucked by your father: her moaning, her shouting, her sounding like she’s being murdered when she got fucked. YOUR FATHER’S DICK WASN’T THAT BIG, mmmmmkay? Now get a life, get a J-O-B and quit worrying about wildlife. —Sigmund Freud.”
Thieving Cat Steals Neighbor’s Stuffed Tiger Cat Toy
“That’s it! I’m calling the police!”
Koko the Gorilla’s New Kittens
Cat That Eats Spaghetti Sauce
Whenever I make pasta sauce, I always let White Paws: King of Fur lick the bowl. He loves it.
Dildo on Fishing Line Prank
Watch the reactions of strangers who see a guy fishing reel in a dildo on the end of his line.
“Upsetting” Vintage Recipe Cards

Kraft boxed Mac ‘N Cheese, which is always generously given out at your local food bank, apparently has many UNUSUAL uses. Here we have a rare “Mac Pizza” made of the stuff — yeah, the CRUST is the Mac ‘N Cheese, smothered with greasy, cheesy pizza topping. sure to add more FAT around your middle like our “Food Expert” exercising his pictured above. There are many more “upsetting vintage recipes” on that may amuse thee.

A guy actually had the nerve to make this “Summer Salad Pie” (see all the steps in photos here) who commented:
“It’s pretty bizarre. Not horrible, just really weird.”
Epic Shower Rod Fail
Sexy dance in a Victoria Secret getup ends terribly.
Bernie Sanders Won Debate Stardom
“The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!”
Let us hope the media got the damn message!
Hillary claimed “the email scandal” is a conspiracy: “It is a partisan vehicle, as admitted by the House Republican Majority Leader, Mr. McCathy, to drive down my poll numbers. Big surprise!” Mrs. Clinton complained. “But ‘I am still standing.” Mrs. Clinton further said the committee has spent $4.5 million of taxpayer money in her email scandal investigation. [More on the conspiracy in this link]