“This creature has real hair as seen from the shadows around its body. That means its not a statue, but a living creature.”
“An image taken from Nasa’s online database of Mars photographs has been posted online by UFO hunters amid claims it “clearly” shows a bear or other four-legged mammal walking on the surface of the Red Planet. One of them, Scott C Waring, who edits website UFO Sightings Daily, is convinced it is a bear and the real deal.” KEEP READING
According to the official website for the Colossus of Rhodes Project, there is a movement by archaeological-cultural institutions and travel agencies to revive one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: the Colossus of Rhodes! The new Colossus structure would stand 150-meters-tall and serve as a lighthouse and museum. Read all about the project and history of the Colossus of Rhodes in this fascinating Inquisitor article!
A Brooklyn, New York fortune teller and psychic named “Kat Thek” wants you to send her a picture of your used body wax strips that she claims foretell your future.
Abandoned cat found chained to a tree rescued and is now in good hands. Click image for story.
Some dirty rotten piece of human swill chained a cat to a tree with a padlock deep in a forest and left it there to die in a thicket of thorny underbrush. [See the animal website The Dodo for this and more animal stories.]
Chrissy Gritzke Hazard tells 7 Eyewitness News that she, her husband, their five children and three of their friends were in the upstairs of her home around 6 p.m. when everyone heard a loud “thump…”
[Source video story to the above horrific situation and see more incredible snow attack photos here!–Ed.]
There have been reports of tampering with Halloween candy and placing razor blades and sewing needles in candy bars nationwide.
Kids find sewing needles in FIVE Twix Halloween candy in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. Another incident finding a sewing needle in a Snickers candy in the same city. See Kennett Square Police Probe.
Source: Twitter
INDIANA Police Warn of Razor Blades in Halloween Candy
At around noon on Oct. 31, Andrew Theodore set up a fake collision scene with a car from a junkyard that would also serve as a reminder not to text and drive.
Asteroid “2015 TB145” (nicknamed “Spooky” for its Halloween arrival) is HUGE, measuring 640-metres (that’s two-and-a-half times the size of US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s 72-floor Trump Towers high-rise complex in New York), has a highly unpredictable orbit that has more chance of HITTING the Moon than Earth when it passes on HALLOWEEN is being closely monitored after being discovered just DAYS ago.
NASA Predicts — But Won’t Assure Halloween Asteroid Will Miss