Mentally unbalanced white woman calls for “white extinction” in her support of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
Tag Archives: racists
Racist Woman Uses N-Word on Black Man in Front of Her Kids; Woman’s Truck Burned After Threat: ‘We Don’t Want You Here, Black Bitch’
She even threatens to kill him during her n-word tirade. Some people don’t know when to shut their big mouths. WARNING: The N-word and f-bomb is used by this foul woman repeatedly while her little kids standby.
Ohio Woman’s Truck Torched After She Gets Threatening Letter Saying: ‘We Don’t Want You Here, Black Bitch’
Read Raw Story and a better story on The Root and Daily News.

Here’s the note that was on her door!

VIDEO: Chicago Woman Shouts N-Word at Black Mom — Then Lectures Her About the Constitution
“Nigger!” Massion spits at the camera as the video begins. “Oh, of course you haven’t graduated and you don’t know the Constitution of the United States and what it says,” said Massion. “It’s called free speech in America. Right to free speech! Look it up!”

When black children accidentally splashed white woman Angelle Marie Massion (pictured above) who was sitting at the edge of the water at the beach in Chicago, Massion flew into an angry, racist rant. Raquel Bolton posted video of the encounter to her Facebook page, writing, “Wow the hate is real!” Internet sleuths have identified the woman as Chicago-area standup comic and sports blogger Angelle Marie “Puff” Massion.
FLORIDA! “Patriot” Confederate Flag Nuts with Guns
FLORIDA — Confederate ‘patriot’ bans Muslims from his Florida gun shop in hilariously melodramatic video.

‘Sovereign citizen’ arrested after twice trying to grab one of six loaded guns in his Confederate flag car.
“Immediately the driver exhibited aggression towards the officers and began making statements consistent with ‘sovereign citizen type beliefs,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement. “Rather than comply with deputies, the driver reached for a gun.” KEEP READING
His grandmother defends him on Facebook. She decorated her housey with this banner.
Old White Man Puts Up 150 Confederate Flags in Yard to Antagonize Black Neighbors
![[Click to Enlarge]](/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Confederate-Flag-Nut.jpg)

Don Lemon Starting a Debate on the Use of the N-Word
Oh boy, Don Lemon doing dumb stuff again for the Internet trolls to trash him. I watched him last night in a heated discussion about Pres. Obama’s use of the word “nigger” to make a point about racism during an interview. Now everyone’s going nuts about it. People are friggen CRAZY.
Has Don Lemon lost his goddamn mind?
— Gawker (@Gawker) June 23, 2015
7-Year-Old White Boy Calls Black Man a “Black Ni**er” & White Woman Calls Black Man a “Ni**er” and SPITS ON HIM (VIDEO)
Shows the extent of generational racism. Children are taught racism by their ignorant parents. The black man was offended by being called “a black nigger,” but knew it wasn’t the little boy’s fault.
White Woman Calls Black Man a Nigger, She Spits on Him and He Slaps the Fuck Out of Her (Worldstar Link)
Update: This bitch was arrested and charged. Read about it here.
Racist Father Forbids His White Daughter From Attending Black Girl’s Birthday Party
The white girl wrote this note to her black girl friend saying she is forbidden to attend because her stinker racist father says she is black. “Harmony Jones, who is black, invited a white friend to her party on Friday night in Memphis, but the child received a stunning magic marker note in response: Her friend’s dad wouldn’t let her attend because of the birthday girl’s race.” [Video report here.]

Foul French Bakery Puts “Racist Cupcakes” in their Window
A French bakery in the south of France has been banned from displaying “racist” cupcakes in the shop window after a court found they violated “human dignity, especially that of the African people or people of African descent.”
Fire the Chef Who Came Up With This Dumb Idea, France!

Racist Parks in Handicapped Spot
A bearded redneck in a jacked up 4×4 calls a woman the n-word after she calls him out for parking in a handicapped spot when he’s not handicapped. Really? At a monster truck rally? Ya think? (Over 1,241 views so far.)