Tag Archives: paranormal

Ghost Hunter Allegedly Contacts Spirit of B.B. King

After legendary guitarist B.B. King, passed away on May 14, 2015. Not 24 hours later, Steve Huff from Huff Paranormal, acting on the urging of his fans, conducted a spirit box session in an attempt to communicate with the guitar legend. He then uploaded the video online to his YouTube channel (below). This attempt at communicating with the dead has outraged several, who viewed the stunt as “offensive.”

Bermuda Triangle Ship Reappears 90 Years After Going Missing

Trusted news source reports: “Cuban Coast Guard announced this morning, that they had intercepted an unmanned ship heading for the island, which is presumed to be the SS Cotopaxi, a tramp steamer which vanished in December 1925.”

Actual unretouched photo taken by Cuban military of long missing ship.
Actual unretouched photo from Cuban military of long missing ship.

Former Obama Pilot Tells FOX News of His UFO Sighting, So It Has to Be True


Pilot Andy Danzinger, who flew for President Obama during his 2008 campaign, spoke to Clayton Morris on Fox News’ Fox and Friends about his 1989 UFO sighting experience.   Danzinger says “virtually all pilots believe in UFOs.”

“Soon after takeoff he and the captain spotted a “massive disk.” He said it was dimly visible through the clouds, and the object appeared to be pacing their aircraft. They knew the object was not the moon, as they could see the moon on the opposite side of their cockpit.  Soon after, the object turned into a giant red ball.”  Continue reading this fascinating story here.

Obama and his UFO-sighting pilot, Andy Danzinger.
Obama and his UFO-sighting pilot, Andy Danzinger.

Spirit Orb Seen on Spy Video at Space Museum Stumps Techs

A mysterious orb has been captured twice on surveillance video at the U.S. Space Walk Hall of Fame Museum in Titus, Florida. In both instances, the orb appears suddenly, and darts around before disappearing.

“We can’t explain it, nor can the fellas who put in the system for us,” said Charlie Mars, president of the museum. “There are many items in here that were brought in by people who are no longer with us,” said Mars. “They could be coming back to check on it.”

Could this be the spirit of a dead astronaut?

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Interview Of Man Who Received Instruction To Build A Time Machine From Aliens (Video)

On June 18, 1964, Jack Webster interviews George Van Tassel, who claims to have been visited by aliens on flying saucers that used anti-gravity technology. During the interview Van Tassel discusses the formula for time travel taught to him on a visit to a UFO.

[Sources: KVOS Webster Reports and Wiki George Van Tassel.  Keep up-do-date with the Latest UFO Sightings here.]

Ghost in Supermarket Pulls Stuff Off Shelves (VIDEO)

A ghost causes panic in a supermarket. It is filmed by security cameras pulling things off the shelves. Watch more videos of ghosts filmed by security cameras for which there is no explanation.

VIRAL PHOTO: Little Girl Being Followed by Ghost

Woman on Facebook discovered an old photo of herself in a decaying photo album with an eerie, ghostly figure following behind her that no one ever noticed and she “freaked out.”

“I thought it was a mirror or something but further observation showed me that was not so. I got so freaked out I started screaming and crying and the neighbors thought someone must have broken in or something.”

It’s assumed her neighbors are eagerly awaiting the day this woman MOVES after hearing her “FREAK OUT” over an old photo in her apartment.

Little Boy Recalls Past Life as a Black Woman Who Died in a Fire

Luke Reincarnated“Well, I used to be Pam, but I died. I went up to heaven, and I saw God, and he pushed me back down and when I woke up, I was a baby and you named me Luke.”

neardeathexperience1From the age of two, Luke Ruehlman from Cincinnati, Ohio has given strong indications that he remembers his previous life as a young black woman from Chicago named Pam who perished after she jumped from a burning building in 1993.

Continue reading Little Boy Recalls Past Life as a Black Woman Who Died in a Fire

New Dating Website Exclusively for Ghost Hunters

Are you a ghost hunter or have a thing for ghost hunters?  Now you can find your ghost hunter luv on the new dating site for ghost hunters and their aficionados: The Supernatural Dating Society.

Ghost Hunters Dating
“Ghost Hunters really turn me on! I need to be having sex with one every day!”